
Engaging Students in LSSS-Aligned Instruction Workshops

STEM Library Lab

      Cost Associated
    • For Teachers
    • In Person
    • professional development
  • 3011 N I-10 Service Rd E, Metairie, Louisiana, 70002


  • Are your science LEAP results not reflecting the effort of your students, teachers and staff?

  • Do your teachers need coaching and support in the new LSSS Science Standards?

  • Is your admin team looking for guidance in how to help teachers implement their Tier-1 Science curriculum?

    STEM Library Lab’s Engaging Students in LSSS-Aligned Instruction Professional Development series is designed to support teachers and administrators in executing the switch to 3-Dimensional, Phenomena-Based Learning.

    Register today for a free consultation!

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STEM Library Lab
STEM Library Lab fosters high-quality active learning by providing teachers and students with access to equipment and support to drive academic success. We run a variety of programs, services, and events, geared at teachers, to ensure they have the tools they need to lead productive classrooms.
  • Created:
    June 11, 2023, 11:10 p.m.
  • Published:
    Aug. 21, 2024, 2:08 p.m.