
September Meetup Fair- Geology, Oceanography, and Coastal Engine

STEM Library Lab

    • Meals Included
    • Free
    • For Teachers
  • 3011 N I 10 Service Rd E, Metairie, Louisiana, 70002

  • Sept. 25, 2024: 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.


Attention all educators! Join us on Wednesday, 9/25 from 4-6 PM at STEM Library Lab for the LA Alliance for STEM Teaching's Geology and Oceanography Meetup Fair! Discover amazing opportunities for you and your students by connecting with 7-10 organizations offering resources around geology and our coastal infrastructure.

Whether you're looking for field trips, lesson ideas, push-in activities, or professional learning for yourself, this event is your chance to explore and plan for the year ahead. Come network with fellow teachers, enjoy some snacks and drinks, and get a head start on your partnership planning for the school year. Don't miss out—mark your calendars!

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STEM Library Lab
STEM Library Lab fosters high-quality active learning by providing teachers and students with access to equipment and support to drive academic success. We run a variety of programs, services, and events, geared at teachers, to ensure they have the tools they need to lead productive classrooms.
  • Created:
    Aug. 26, 2024, 6:29 p.m.
  • Published:
    Sept. 16, 2024, 7:59 p.m.