
Martes en Mid-City con la Familia / Family Fun Night

New Orleans Public Library

    • Free
    • For Families
    • family
    • free
    • cultureandheritage
  • Mid-City Library 4140 Canal St, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119

  • Dec. 10, 2024: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


Hang out time for Spanish-speaking/bilingual families with free activities, snacks, and books. Tiempo para pasar juntos en familia. Actividades gratuituas que incluyen merienda y libros de regalo.

December 10 – Let’s Make Tamales! / ¡Hagamos tamales!

Bilingual and Spanish-speaking families engage in this recurring free evening of activities for the whole family. Each date will feature a unique activity or game, snacks, and book giveaway door prizes. In addition, Americas Award books will be featured. The Americas Award celebrates YA and Children’s literature that portrays Latin America, The Caribbean, and Latinx culture in the United States with an authentic lens. This program is planned for families with children ages 6 - 12 and their siblings. 

Please register to help us plan for supplies.

Sponsored by the Friends of the New Orleans Public Library and the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University.

Familias bilingües y que hablan español se reúnen en esta tarde gratis de actividades para toda la familia. Cada fecha presentará una actividad, juego, meriendas u oportunidades de regalos de libros. Adicionalmente, tendremos libros del premio Américas. El premio Américas celebra a la literatura infantil y juvenil que retrata a Latinoamérica, el caribe y la cultura Latinx en los Estados Unidos a través de una perspectiva auténtica. Este programa está planeado para familias con niños de edades desde los 6 a los 12 años.

Presentado por Friends of the New Orleans Public Library y el Stone Center for Latin American Studies de Tulane.

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New Orleans Public Library
New Orleans Public Library: Transforming Lives, Enriching Neighborhoods, and Preserving History
  • Created:
    Oct. 15, 2024, 3:56 p.m.
  • Published:
    Oct. 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m.