
CRCL Tree Planting 2.8.25

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

    • Free
    • For Teachers and Families
    • coastal
    • conservation
    • culturalconnections
    • ecology
    • environmental science
    • experiential learning
    • fun
    • outdoor education
  • Intersection Of Florida Ave & Bartolo St, Meraux, Louisiana, 70039

  • Feb. 8, 2025: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.


CRCL is excited to have you join us in Violet, LA! Installed in 2022, CRCL's Native Plant Nursery has grown several hundred trees that will soon be planted. 

CRCL is proud to be a partner organization of the Central Wetlands Reforestation Collective (CWRC). This group of organizations is collaborating to re-establish a bald cypress and water tupelo bottomland hardwood forest near New Orleans. The other organizations in the collective include Pontchartrain Conservancy, Common Ground Relief, CSED of the Lower 9th Ward, and the Arlene & Joseph Meraux Foundation.

The Central Wetlands Unit was heavily impacted by historic logging and saltwater intrusion from the Mississippi Gulf Outlet (MRGO). What once was a thick and healthy swamp is now mostly marsh and open water. Following the closure of MRGO, the salinity in this area has dropped to where it can once again support cypress trees. Restoring the swamp forest will result in higher quality wildlife habitat, storm surge/wind attenuation, and healthier ecosystems.

With your help, CRCL and other CWRC organizations will plant more than 30,000 trees in the Central Wetlands Unit over the next four years.

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to unite people in action to achieve a thriving, sustainable Louisiana coast for all. Incorporated in 1988, CRCL represents a unique mix of businesses, local governments, industries, scientific communities, national and local conservation groups, hunters, anglers and a broad spectrum of concerned residents who share a common vision and commitment to the sustainability of coastal Louisiana. The common vision of these varied and diverse interests is the driving strength of CRCL, the most effective and recognized coastal advocacy organization in the state. Recognizing that Louisiana’s coastal land loss will have dramatic impacts on the nation’s energy, navigation and fisheries interests, CRCL works at the state, local and federal levels to ensure that restoring and protecting coastal Louisiana is a top priority for our state and the nation. In addition to our role as advocate and watchdog, we also serve as responsible stewards of Louisiana’s rich coastal wetlands. We facilitate and fund restoration projects through our Native Plants Program and Oyster Shell Recycling Program, and we work diligently to raise awareness and educate others about the importance of preserving and restoring coastal Louisiana.​​ This multifaceted, comprehensive and coast-wide approach to coastal restoration distinguishes CRCL from every other civic and environmental group in the region. Like the Mississippi River Delta, our work is constantly evolving. You can be part of the solution.
  • Created:
    Jan. 29, 2025, 7:23 p.m.
  • Published:
    Jan. 29, 2025, 7:23 p.m.